Wednesday, December 18, 2013

We Support the Minimum wage!

We here at the Party are supporting the minimum wage increase in order to get the cost of labor adjusted for inflation. As you all know working harder for less money is never easy. That's why we hire cheap labor. If you don't care about making a living for yourself than you can always hire somebody to do it for you, such as an employee. We understand that an increase in the wage minmum will start to erode that seperation of management and labor. But if a company so chooses to remain as efficient as the free market stance claims to be, than perhaps they won't mind rolling up there sleaves to keep labor costs down. We would like to share the value of a hard days work with the people who have reminded us of it for the last few centuries.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thank You for posting about protesting.

We here at the Bull Moose and Squirrel party would like to thank you all for posting about the protesting today. As you all know publicity ain't cheap these days. So by causing an inconvenience to your day we've been able to get many posts and tweets out today. We appreciate your contemptuous support.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Off Year Campaign Promise: Incompetence is not a Crime!

We here at the Bull Moose Party are happy to roll out our new campaign promise will be to keep our word on one thing which we won't tell you about as to avoid it's death via gridlock in Congress! We can't believe it either. So here's the plan ya'll. Go vote for your favorite BMS candidate and help us win as close to what can be claimed as a landslide victory as possible. Then eventually when a decently important piece of legislation gets through congress we will announce that it'll be the cornerstone of term in office. Of course we're really don't know which one will go through because we don't know what we'll be able to sell yet. Remember though incompetence is not a crime, just ignorance.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Anthony Weiner launches Wife's Political Career!

Former congressmen Anthony Weiner held a press conference to launch his wife's political career. The decision has come out after increased pressure for Weiner to explain what the fuck he's doing right now. After resigning over a lewd twitter photo he has largely stayed out of the public spotlight. That was until, to everyone's shock, he was running for New York City Mayor.  The Campaign had been going well until new stories, of very past events, came to light about his continued inappropriate behavior.  So this Wednesday morning Mr. Weiner announced the launch of the Weiner political brand name.

Mrs. Weiner, Huma Abedin, is officially the new face on the Weiner campaign. Clinton fans will recall this tactic from the '92 campaign. Giving a heartfelt and apologetic speech,  Huma told reporters that her decision to stand behind her husband is for the her Love of New York and it's people. This will probably lead to Mrs. Weiner to run for office herself in the future.

Before Huma runs for office herself first they must gain political capital off Mr. Weiner's current election. Once his political career is reestablished it's just a matter of time til his career peaks, stalls or falls short. Then Mrs. Weiner will be tapped, after a long rumor mill, to run for office. Usually the first office will be something local, but in a populous state. From their they campaign and lend each other clout together. It's rare to see a couple this politically in love.

While political dynasties are nothing new, this is the first launch of a new dynasty in the 21st Century. Republicans have dynasties of their own but they tend to favor more traditional Patrimonial system. Democrats have used this model in the past but tend to shy away from it after the Kennedy fiasco. Instead they've paved the way with the new system called "Nuclear Family Political tag team," a system pioneered by the Clintons. Republicans, such as Newt Gingrich, have tried to copy this system in the past but usually with negative results. This is also the most diverse political couple the Democrats have mounted. In the mean time Washington and New York City brace themselves for the future.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Bull Moose Manifesto

The Bull Moose and Squirrel Party herefore set forth the manifesto that shall entail the aims and ideals of the party.

1. Everyman, woman and child has the right to speak their own mind. Some just speak more loudly than others.

2. To hold the American political system in reverence and complete irreverence for all politicians.

3. To advocate for contemporary issues that will draw adequate publicity, then completely ignore all gregious mistakes.

4. To steadfastly keep our positions in line with the postions of all solicited, unsolitcited and off the books campaign donations.

5. Above all else to keep the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Remember, We're nuts!